Date: September 2012
Duration: 9 days
Author: Pablo Manuel Delgado et al.
Further reading on J3eA , Volume 12 (2013) (French):
This intensive project took place on the laboratories of ENSICAEN's Signal, Control, Telecommunications and Embedded Systems specialization (SATE) and it comprised several phases distributed in nine full days of work.
The goal was to implement a closed loop control system on a direct current motor whose parameters were passed in real time through Ethernet, in a few longer than a week's time. A group of six people was assigned for this task.
The system specifications:
- A real time control algorithm (and a prior system parameter identification) to be run on a PC, the processed data must be transmitted to a microcontroller through Ethernet, which in turn controls the current motor by a PWM output.
- A human-machine graphical interface with all the necessary commands to run the control program.
- The processing paradigm on the micro controller must be real time i.e. preemptive task scheduling.
Technological constraints:
- The microcontroller (MCU) has to be a PIC32MX795F512L from Microchip, due to availability reasons.
- The program was developed on IDE MPLAB with a C 32 toolchain.
- The speed measurements are made with an ADC7634 Analog to Digital Converter from Analog Devices linked to the MCU through SPI in order to minimize the final PCB layout.
- The control signal generation is made through a PWM module embedded in the microcontroller. Signal filtering is performed to adapt the controlled system's input requirements. The slow dynamics and noise immunity of the system allow such solution.
- The PC-MCU communication will be implemented on the TCP/IP protocol.
- TQFP 100 pin package
- Core working frequency: 80 MHz
- Peripheral reference working frequency: 40 or 80MHz
- Used peripherals set optimization
ADC AD7634
- Sampling frequency: 2 KHz
- Bit depth: 18 bits
- Input dynamic range: +/- 10 V (unipolar power supply)
- SPI digital interface for configuration and data communication
- Physical configuration of the ADC's parameters is possible
PWM Signal Conditioning Circuit
- PWM switching frequency at 2KHz and a 3,3V peak to peak amplitude
- Second order Low Pass Filter with a 200 Hz cutting frequency with unity gain on the passband. Its purpose is to reject the PWM signal's higher order harmonics.
- Adjustable gain for a correct utilization of the motor's control input dynamic range
- TCP/IP protocol. TCP and UDP connection options must be available due to different requierements on the system control parameters' reaction speed.
- Dynamic IP (DHCP) implementation to ensure greater portability and configuration.
Functional Diagram
Task Processing Diagram
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